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Wednesday April 9, 2008

Pregnant Males

When I saw the headline ‘Pregnant Male’, my eyes did swivel back to the newspaper page for fear I’d misread it. If a human male really was going to give birth, I could understand the sensation. The truth of this much hyped news story which broke on the American show, Oprah, is that Thomas Beatie is actually a woman who became a man and therefore is still capable of carrying a baby.

The sensational aspect of the whole story is that Thomas –who was once Tracey-looks like a man so the whole physical aspect of his appearance is pretty disturbing. It contradicts everything we have come to accept about the sanctity of mother and child in the early stages and somehow it seems abhorrent.

I’m not sure if coming out so publicly was the right thing for this couple to do and who can say whether they have done so to lap up lucrative media deals or from a belief that word would have seeped out anyway.

Whatever the weather I wish them-and their future baby-well although I for one would rather not have been party to the ghoulish display of photographic evidence swimming in the daily press.

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